
Our Executive Board

Our Board of Directors is a diverse group. They come from every region of Nova Scotia — new generations blending with the very experienced. These men and women are company owners, leaders and spokespeople.

Osborne Burke


Osborne is the General Manager of the Victoria Fisheries Co-Operative, a fisher-owned company located in Neil's Harbour, Cape Breton. The Cooperative represents over 100 harvesters on a direct and continuing basis, and markets their catch in a whole range of species throughout Canada & Internationally.

Osborne is active in the seafood sector as a leader and in his community as well. Most particularly, he is very enthusiastic about the growth and engagement of the Nova Scotia Seafood Alliance in the days ahead.

Allan Mac Lean

Vice President

Allan is the Senior Operations Manager at Louisbourg Seafoods. He brings to the Nova Scotia Seafood Alliance extensive knowledge and experience of the Snow Crab, Lobster and Ground Fish fisheries in the waters of Cape Breton. Allan began his career as a Fishery Officer for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and quickly rose through the management ranks by exhibiting his leadership skills as the National Director General of Conservation and Protection.


Sharon Williams


Sharon runs a family-owned seafood company, UGO Fisheries, purchasing fresh seafood from fishers in South West, Nova Scotia.  Sharon knows first hand how to maintain strong relationships with the fishers and ultimately her clients. Sharon brings these core strengths and many more to the Nova Scotia Seafood Alliance.

Stewart Lamont


Stewart Lamont is the Managing Director of Tangier Lobster Company. He has exported live lobster to the international marketplace for over 4 decades. Stewart is one of the founding members and a ‘true believer’ in the Nova Scotia Seafood Alliance concept. He believes the world is a better place when small and medium sized land based seafood companies throughout Nova Scotia speak effectively with one voice.

Past President: Nathan Blades- Sable Fish Packers


Executive Director - Kris Vascotto

Joining the Nova Scotia Seafood Alliance in 2023, Kris Vascotto brings years of experience from the fish and seafood industry in Atlantic Canada, supplemented by academia and years with both the federal and provincial public service.

Kris is dedicated to the wild fish and seafood industry and seeks to help support the fish and seafood sector to thrive in a time of changing oceans, changing consumer habits and shifting fisheries. In his off-hours, he can be found plying the wharves and beaches of the province, engaging with stakeholders and learning by listening.

Kris is known as being approachable, knowledgeable and always willing to spin a yarn. He is a believer that Working Together Works and continues to seek consensus positions that the entire fish and seafood sector can support.



Executive Directors in Emeritus

Leo Muise

Leo Muise

Leo came aboard to guide the association through its period of transition to the newly minted Nova Scotia Seafood Alliance in 2015.  In the eight years that he led the organization, he expanded the membership and worked with the federal and provincial government to develop targeted supports that helped to modernize the sector. 

Leo’s tenure with the Alliance was the culmination of a long career as a senior public servant with both the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Nova Scotia and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in the Government of Canada. Leo brought our organization credibility and progress when we needed it the most and was a needed steady hand during the COVID pandemic.

Leo has retired in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia and is fondly remembered by everyone with whom he worked.

Denny Morrow

Denny’s long service to land-based seafood companies in our province took place as the Executive Director of the Nova Scotia Fish Packers Association, our predecessor organization.  He led the industry though decades of change marked by moratoria, offshore oil and gas development, changing fisheries and changing regulations.  He was instrumental in ensuring valuable fishing areas were protected from development and was one of the earliest voices identifying the impacts of expanding pinniped populations on fish stocks in Atlantic Canada.

Denny’s voice was well known and respected – inshore fishers would pause to hear him speak and he was often invited to present to parliamentarians in Ottawa because he spoke with tact, truth and most of all, wisdom.

The Alliance owes a debt of gratitude to Denny and his long dedication to the industry.


Our Directors.

Our Board of Directors provide a wealth of experience and guidance, and a lifelong commitment to Nova Scotia and its range of seafood products. We are grateful for their volunteer commitment and support of the Nova Scotia Seafood Alliance.


Calvin Butler- Yarmouth Bar Fisheries Ltd.

Sherman d'Eon- Cape Breeze Seafoods Ltd.

Brock Zinck- Xsealent Seafood Company

Cedric Robichaud- BMC Seafoods Ltd

Jonathan Sears- R. I. Smith Lobster Ltd.

Bobby Blades - AC Lobster

Michael Pothier- Long Point Lobster

Kerry Cunningham- Sea Star Seafoods Ltd.

Monte Snow- Fisherman's Market International Inc.

Paul Richer- Fathom Fish

Shawn Sears- W Sears Seafoods ltd

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