Nova Scotia Seafood Alliance holds our Annual General Meeting in a face to (masked) face environment.

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The Halifax Convention Centre and the brand new Sutton Place Hotel played hosts to the Nova Scotia Seafood Alliance annual general meeting on September 12th 2020. Following social distancing requirements , contact tracing registration, and more protocols than you could imagine, the Alliance held a very safe and successful AGM with 75 companies proudly in attendance.

The theme of the day was “ Success and Survival in a post pandemic Seafood World”. There were multiple presentations designed to provide those attending with some meat and potatoes ( … or should that be fish and chips? ) recommendations for the best ways forward in a global pandemic.

The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, the Honourable Bernadette Jordan even attended for the luncheon period and then highlighted an hour long Question and Answer session. Those attending greatly appreciated the Minister’s candour and willingness to engage on a whole range of important seafood sector subjects, opening the door for much more engagement moving forward.

We now have a terrific relationship with the Halifax Convention Centre and Sutton Place Hotel and additional events are in the planning stages already.  Leo Muise can provide additional insight as to the accomplishments of the meeting and plans for the Alliance in the future as well.